Based in C and similar to Swift, Gravity offers portable code for iOS and Android

The embeddable language can be used for mobile and desktop development

Gravity, an embeddable, lightweight programming language written in C, is an option for mobile application development while backing multiple programming variants.

Supporting data-driven, functional, object-oriented, and procedural programming, Gravity was built for Creo Lab's Creo design tool for the Mac, but it's a standalone product, developer Marco Bambini said. Currently in beta, open source Gravity enables developers to easily write portable code for iOS and Android. It also supports desktop and embeddable development.

A class-based concurrent scripting language with syntax similar to Swift, Gravity can be compiled on any platform using a C99 compiler, according to the project description. The compiler and virtual machine combined add fewer than 200KB to the executable on on a 64-bit system.

Bambini sees Gravity as complementary companion to Swift and Java development for mobile platforms. The language was supported by a pair of open source projects. The inspiration for closures comes from the  Lua programming language; specifically from the "Closures in Lua" document, while the  Wren concurrent scripting language inspired fibers, upvalues handling, and some parts of the garbage collector.
