Google may be testing out a new card-based layout for the Play Store

A new design is making an appearance for some users, though it's unclear at this point how widespread the rollout is.

Google is apparently testing a new layout for the Play Store. The evidence comes from a video and several posts on Google+ by those who apparently have seen the new design scheme appear.

At first glance the layout isn’t any major change, but as a shared video demonstrates it allows you to scroll through different apps as if they were a series of cards. Putting information into cards is a hallmark of Google’s Material Design, which continues to evolve and find new ways to liven up the company’s software.

The following video first appeared on a Google+ post, with other users chiming in to say they’d seen the updates as well.

We haven’t seen the change ourselves, so this could very well be an A/B test or some other type of slow rollout. If it ends up going out more widely or Google makes an official announcement, we’ll be sure to let you know.

Why this matters: Google is constantly innovating on the Play Store design and functionality to try and drive more app installs and a smoother experience. The latest reveal could do both, as the swiping motion is pleasant and will help you more quickly evaluate different apps to check out. 

This story, "Google may be testing out a new card-based layout for the Play Store" was originally published by Greenbot.
