The original Diablo is coming back, recreated in Diablo III

It's no Diablo IV, but it's not bad.

diablo returns

Rumors about Diablo IV have flown fast and thick in the last few weeks, what with it being Diablo’s 20th anniversary and...a dice set? Yes, a dice set came with the pre-BlizzCon goodie bag, and people drew their own conclusions from a Diablo-themed four-sided die, or D4. Get it?

But alas, it’s not to be. Instead, we’re getting something that’s arguably more near and dear to people’s hearts: The original Diablo, recreated in the Diablo III engine as an “Anniversary Patch.” The four original bosses, the Cathedral—all of it has apparently been rebuilt. They’ve even locked the player to eight-direction movement, and included visual filters to recreate the pixelated look of the original.

If that sounds incredible to you, well, you won’t have long to wait. Blizzard says the Diablo patch will hit the Public Test Realm server next week, and I’d expect it to be released for real within a month or two after that.

The other big Diablo news: The series-favorite Necromancer class from Diablo II is coming to Diablo III: Reaper of Souls in 2017, filling one of the last holes in the game. And if you need a reason to jump back in, Blizzard will soon add two new zones to Adventure Mode for free: Shrouded Moors and the Temple of the Firstborn.

Okay, it’s no Diablo IV, but it’s not too bad. Time to get those click-fingers warmed up.
